Thursday, July 17, 2014

Did a little painting and what nots today.

My 2nd Facebook-free day was another productive one.  I feel so guilty for wasting so much time over the past few months.  I guess it doesn't hurt that it was a perfect 80 degrees out today.

So we have this problem with trees growing at the farm.  It's particularly elm trees, I believe.  They have grown up all over the areas of cleared land on our farm, and you can't just weed-whack these suckers down.  So I got out there with a saw today and went to town on some trees.  I had already cleared the trees away from the trailers yesterday, so today I took care of some of the "forest" to the left of the trailers.  

Here's before and after pics.

Gosh it looks so miniscule, but I assure you that ALOT of trees were cut down.  That's them in that big pile of brush in the front of the 2nd pic.

This is actually a "before" pic from today, but it shows how nicely cleared the area around the trailers/boat is.  That's a separate pile of brush.

So I also decided to use some old paint we had on hand to paint our oldest chicken coop.  It's been that drab tan color since we built it 3 or so years ago, and it needed a painting.  I didn't think I'd get as far as I did with that.  I painted till the paint ran out.  I still want to do the trim in white, but when I opened up the white can of paint, it was all funky and unusable.  Also worth mentioning is that the paint is an interior paint we used on our guest bedroom.  Guess we will find out how well it withstands the weather.  This painting fiasco may all be for naught.  We shall see :)

Here's some pics of the coop.  



Did I mention that I ran out of paint?...

There it is off in the distance.  Look to the left of the chickens.

Oh and those are our awesome juvenile chickens having a wonderful time pecking around in some hay today.  There's been a couple of huge hawks stalking them, but they did okay yesterday and I hope to God that they did okay again today.

Here's some more pics from today.

MooMan and Stevie wreaking havoc on the tack room.  Grrrr!

Stevie got a little paint on him up at the coop, hehe :)

Brutus, Mama Llama, and Dolly crowd around the tack room begging for food.

This is Normans's sun shade - the wheelbarrow.  If you look really closely, you can see him under there.
Here's a pic of Norman from a few months ago, since you can't really see him in the other pic.  He's a sulcata tortoise and is about 3 years old.  He moved out to the farm full time last week.  Since the garden wasn't doing so well, we decided that Norman could reside there and eat the failed crops.  I think he's pretty happy there.

Till next time...


  1. Good Job clearing all those trees and painting the fence. And a great job on the stellar documentation skills. Go Natty!!

  2. This is awesome Nat!!!! I love the new chicken coop color:)!
