Saturday, September 12, 2015

Set something free, and it just might come back to you

Over the past month, a lot of progress has been made on the house.  The septic tank has been installed.  We have made it to the sheet rock process.  It also got painted green today!

We've also been working endlessly on a new chicken coop.  Hopefully we will have it done in the next couple of weeks.

A few weeks ago, we were sad to discover that Norman the tortoise had gotten out of his garden enclosure.  After searching for him throughout the big fenced-in area and outside the perimeter, we assumed he was long gone.  But alas, he returned today and I find it nothing short of a miracle.

Here's some pics from the past few weeks:

Mama Llama and Dolly

The quad of goats

Mama Llama

Siding for the house was delivered

Major progress - we got a fridge out at the farm shortly after the electricity was established.  It is stocked with beer and milk :)

Ezra and the llamas

Ezra pushing the wagon and toolbox

Working on the coop

Jason hard at work

This is sure to win us the parents of the year award

Ezra and his daddy pulling wagons

Ezra on the Gator with Big Beyonce stealing the spotlight

He's becoming quite the farmhand

Coop progress

I used my lack of painting skills to paint the goats

And the llamas

Coop is coming along

Ezra's excuse for being whiny - he's two...  I wish I had an excuse :)

I put hooks on all the watering stands to hang the brushes we use for cleaning the chicken waterers

Ezra thought the brushes looked better on the ground...

Big Blue and a lady friend - new house in the background

Fred lookin fine

Siding got put on the house

Darla and Fred

Coop continues to come along

Stevie B wanted to check out the progress

Ezra enjoyed a rainy day at the farm

Cousin Eli came to visit

Bran and Ash came too

Ezra and Eli had fun petting Stevie B

Goats and a house

Checking out the gate

Ezra sporting some dirt and a fly farm hat

We did some burning - long overdue

Scott tried out the goat milking stand

All the animals check out the fire

Sheetrock got delivered

Look at that gang o' chickens

The house is green!!!

Yes, it's freakin awesome

Got the tub/showers installed

And last, but certainly not least, Norman showed up today by the Gator!!

We are thrilled to have him back.  I'm going to pick up some fluorescent fingernail polish tomorrow to paint his shell so we can find him more easily if he decides to wander again.


  1. WOW! The color looks great on the house. We really enjoyed our visit and can't wait to do it again :)

  2. Looks like things are coming together! Nice goat pics. Certainly better than I could do :)
