Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Hanging with the chicks and painting the barn

Here's some pics from the past week.

Dolly Llama getting some green leaves

Check out all of our chickens!  They are begging to get out and peck around.

I thought this chick was having some issues.  Turns out it just liked hanging out on its back.  A week later and it's just fine.

Our newest chicks - 7 total hatched out.

Dolly and the goats got to go outside the fence.  Brutus was jealously looking at them.


Mama Llama was sunbathing.  She looked all puny so I decided I should deworm her.

This is right after that heifer spit on me.  Grrrrr!  Dolly's in the background like, you better not mess with my mama!

We brought Norman some Romaine lettuce.

Here's Norm's abode.

We got all of the supplies to put up our fence for the goats, but didn't quite get it done this weekend.  Decided it would be more fun to go hang out on the lake in our neighborhood.

Here's Brenda, our crippled chicken, and her friend Cindy

Brenda's right leg is a little mangled.  She hatched that way.  Other than the leg, she is a gorgeous chicken - a white Wyandotte.
Good ole Stevie trying to get in Jason's truck - and Jason resisting.

Got started painting the barn.  The llamas thought it was very interesting.

Making progress.  Hanging out with the chickens.

The chicken got painted a little too - look on its back.

The chickens pecking around below while I was on the ladder painting.

Stevie and MooMan were worn out.

Our wonderful menagerie of animals

More progress painting the barn.

Different angle

Done with the green (disregard the unpainted gable...)

Read the sign - no kidding!

The goats were revived and got into the paint.

Stevie thought it would be fun to lick the paintbrush.  MooMan preferred to eat my washcloth.

Check out Stevie's beautifully painted hoof.

I still love him though :)

Got a little something on your chin...

Now That's how you paint a hoof.

Brought the chicks inside to hang out a little last night.

Got the white trim on the barn today.  Still need to paint the gable...
That's all for this week.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I know how you love those goats. The barn looks great.
